

“Historicizing Trouble and Strife: An Analysis of a Radical Feminist Magazine”, gender<ed> thoughts, 2022.

““Whose Emancipatory Politics?” Toward a Postcolonial Technological Subject”, Global Perspectives, 2021.

Book Review: “(Un)Making Queer African Identities”, Research in African Literatures. Winter, 2020.

(if you’d like to read a text but are stuck at a paywall, please email me)

I currently no longer work at the English department in the University of Leipzig as a Research Associate.

For my educational achievements at the Masters level, including my study of the British radical feminist periodical “Trouble and Strife”, I was awarded the Niedersachsen Wissenschaftspreis 2019 (Lower Saxony Research Award).

My MA thesis won the Gender Thesis Prize 2020 awarded by Göttingen Center for Gender Studies.

Göttinger Tageblatt, Uni Göttingen, Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture, NDR.